NAET can typically test, treat, and permanently eliminate any allergy, food intolerance, and environmental sensitivity within 25 hours.
What is NAET?
NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique, named after the founder of NAET, Dr. Devi Nambudripad. NAET is a revolutionary new treatment that uses Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Kinesiology to permanently desensitise people to all kinds of allergies. Clinical studies with NAET have demonstrated that it is by far the most successful and succinct technique for the elimination of allergies.
Commonly seen allergic symptoms like wheezing, cough, hyperactivity, anxiety, rashes, hives, pain, brain fog, depression, poor memory, tiredness, itching, headache and others are all relieved when the offending allergen is permanently desensitized.
There is hardly any human disease or condition in which allergic factors are not involved.Millions of people have allergies that cause such health conditions as:asthma, chrohn's, chronic fatigue, MS, cancer, high blood pressure, ADD, ADHD, autism, etc.We associate allergies to bee stings, pollen, wheat, or animals with reactions such as hives, a runny nose, or anaphylactic shock. But, a reaction can be asthma, a headache, skin conditions, digestive disturbances, bloating, gas, heartburn, hypoglycemia, anaemia, mental fogginess, anxiety, ADD, depression, etc.
Any substance under the sun, including sunlight itself, can cause an allergic reaction in any individual.Your headache, reflux, or fatigue could be a reaction to tap water, B vitamins,calcium, or vitamin c... things that are supposed to be good for you. The problem is, that when you are allergic to an item, the body's energy meridians will block in response to contact with that allergen, and will get rid of the offending substance in any means possible. This means two things:
1) the body is not assimilating substances that are crucial for the immune system leading to health problems. For example if you are allergic to vitamins B and C your body rejects them and all their functions are compromised. Ultimately your body becomes depleted of that particular vitamin(s).
2) when allergic to an item the body's organs and/or meridians are blocked, creating all the symptoms of allergies, and if left untreated can lead to more serious health problems and disease.
Hidden or chronic allergies can cause severe developmental and functional problems, deficiencies, or chemical imbalances. For example, an allergy to B vitamins can cause B vitamin deficiencies and result in chronic health problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, attention deficit disorder, asthma, digestive disturbances, depression, and headaches. An allergic response to calcium can cause joint or arthritic problems. When th vitamin B or calcium are cleared, the body can begin assimilating these crucial nutrients for the first time, and quickly replenish the depleted stores to restore good health.
Allergies are treated one at a time with this technique, beginning with the
top ten allergies. These are not only the most common allergies, but also key nutrients and crucial building blocks for the immune system. Normally one item is treated on a given day. The substance must then be completely avoided for twenty-five hours following the treatment. In most cases, that's all it takes... one session to permanently eliminate your allergy.Individuals who are highly sensitive may sometimes require additional combination clearings.